Sunday, December 6, 2009

To Read or Not to Read,... that is the question.

For the last few years I have not picked up a book just to read. The only book I read are the ones I was graded on, and even at that I would read the spark notes and not the book. Now as I have time and the ability to choose what I want to read, I am slowly but surely becoming a "book worm". I have had one book that I read in Jr. High that has stuck with me and I think i have read it 20 times since then. It's called "I am David" by Anne Holm. Its about a boy who sneeks out of a concentration camp, on a quest to find his mother. I am a sucker for these kinds of books, but I have learned so much from it. Now I am reading another book that a friend let me borrow called, The Anatomy of Peace. talk about a life changing book. wow!

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